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  • Yu, K., Qiu, G., Chan, K. H., Lam, K. B. H., Kurmi, O. P., Bennett, D. A., … Wu, T. (2018). Association of solid fuel use with risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in rural China. JAMA (IF=157), 319(13), 1351-1361. PDF DOI: https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2018.2151

  • Cai, M., Li, H., Wu, Y., Zhang. S., Wang. X., Zhang. Z., Lin. H. (2022) Ambient Air Pollution Associated with Body Fat Percentages at Different Body Compartments: A Cohort Study of UK Biobank Participants. Environmental Health Perspectives (IF=11.0). 130(6): 067702. PDF

  • Cai, M., Lin, X., Wang, X., Zhang, S., Qian, Z., McMillin, S.E., Aaron, H.E., Lin, H., Wei, J., Zhang, Z., Pan, J. (2022) Ambient particulate matter pollution of different sizes associated with recurrent stroke hospitalization in China: a cohort study of 1.07 million stroke patients. Science of the Total Environment (IF=10.8). 159104. PDF




  arrow, dplyr, ggplot2, data.table, broom, survival, splines, survival, purrr, latex2exp, patchwork, rms)

cohort_cox = arrow::read_parquet(

Rows: 8,262
Columns: 12
$ rehosp_staus      <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0…
$ t2rehosp          <int> 741, 1267, 510, 126, 1076, 402, 980, 589, 502, 524, …
$ age               <dbl> 74, 79, 72, 79, 52, 75, 68, 62, 75, 73, 77, 70, 76, …
$ sex               <fct> Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, Fema…
$ ethnicity         <fct> Han, Han, Han, Han, Han, Han, Han, Han, Han, Han, Ha…
$ marriage          <fct> Married, Married, Married, Married, Married, Married…
$ occupation        <fct> Farmer, Farmer, Other, Other, Other, Farmer, Other, …
$ PM1_MA_365        <dbl> 26.94837, 21.58845, 26.15891, 25.80991, 34.91308, 36…
$ PM2.5_MA_365      <dbl> 41.79592, 31.49986, 36.12802, 42.01941, 48.28277, 44…
$ PM10_MA_365       <dbl> 68.51770, 63.77828, 57.15183, 67.48609, 76.22407, 72…
$ Temperature_MA_07 <dbl> 5.847840, 24.166486, 26.243227, 9.688386, 6.529096, …
$ RH_MA_07          <dbl> 73.08185, 67.75124, 87.87124, 72.36949, 68.59028, 71…


fit0 = coxph(
    formula = Surv(t2rehosp, rehosp_staus) ~ PM1_MA_365 + age + ethnicity + 
      marriage + occupation + ns(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5) + ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5), 
    data = cohort_cox)

[1] "coxph"
coxph(formula = Surv(t2rehosp, rehosp_staus) ~ PM1_MA_365 + age + 
    ethnicity + marriage + occupation + ns(Temperature_MA_07, 
    df = 5) + ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5), data = cohort_cox)

                                    coef exp(coef)  se(coef)      z       p
PM1_MA_365                      0.011054  1.011115  0.003903  2.832 0.00462
age                            -0.001324  0.998677  0.002192 -0.604 0.54576
ethnicityNon-han               -0.058235  0.943428  0.201408 -0.289 0.77247
marriageUnmarried               0.186563  1.205100  0.104045  1.793 0.07296
marriageWidowed                 0.038527  1.039279  0.096506  0.399 0.68973
marriageDivorced                0.207441  1.230525  0.159879  1.297 0.19446
marriageOther                  -0.118606  0.888158  0.158128 -0.750 0.45322
occupationPrivate institution  -0.134948  0.873761  0.151888 -0.888 0.37429
occupationFarmer               -0.101090  0.903852  0.128781 -0.785 0.43247
occupationJobless              -0.149602  0.861050  0.177534 -0.843 0.39942
occupationRetired              -0.101371  0.903598  0.143299 -0.707 0.47931
occupationOther                -0.241753  0.785250  0.131212 -1.842 0.06541
ns(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5)1  0.010090  1.010141  0.762198  0.013 0.98944
ns(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5)2  0.036154  1.036816  0.810714  0.045 0.96443
ns(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5)3 -0.044010  0.956944  0.474768 -0.093 0.92614
ns(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5)4  0.292356  1.339580  1.608833  0.182 0.85580
ns(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5)5 -0.025618  0.974708  0.371333 -0.069 0.94500
ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5)1           0.419264  1.520842  0.664890  0.631 0.52832
ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5)2           0.450642  1.569319  0.691113  0.652 0.51437
ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5)3           0.077616  1.080708  0.392458  0.198 0.84323
ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5)4           0.620296  1.859479  1.408819  0.440 0.65972
ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5)5           0.194996  1.215307  0.419406  0.465 0.64198

Likelihood ratio test=34.99  on 22 df, p=0.03881
n= 8262, number of events= 2474 
# 提取结果成数据框,方便导出excel
fit0 %>% 
# A tibble: 22 × 5
   term                          estimate std.error statistic p.value
   <chr>                            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 PM1_MA_365                     0.0111    0.00390     2.83  0.00462
 2 age                           -0.00132   0.00219    -0.604 0.546  
 3 ethnicityNon-han              -0.0582    0.201      -0.289 0.772  
 4 marriageUnmarried              0.187     0.104       1.79  0.0730 
 5 marriageWidowed                0.0385    0.0965      0.399 0.690  
 6 marriageDivorced               0.207     0.160       1.30  0.194  
 7 marriageOther                 -0.119     0.158      -0.750 0.453  
 8 occupationPrivate institution -0.135     0.152      -0.888 0.374  
 9 occupationFarmer              -0.101     0.129      -0.785 0.432  
10 occupationJobless             -0.150     0.178      -0.843 0.399  
# ℹ 12 more rows
# 提取结果为exp后的HR值,而非线性项的值
fit0 %>% 
  tidy(exponentiate = TRUE)
# A tibble: 22 × 5
   term                          estimate std.error statistic p.value
   <chr>                            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 PM1_MA_365                       1.01    0.00390     2.83  0.00462
 2 age                              0.999   0.00219    -0.604 0.546  
 3 ethnicityNon-han                 0.943   0.201      -0.289 0.772  
 4 marriageUnmarried                1.21    0.104       1.79  0.0730 
 5 marriageWidowed                  1.04    0.0965      0.399 0.690  
 6 marriageDivorced                 1.23    0.160       1.30  0.194  
 7 marriageOther                    0.888   0.158      -0.750 0.453  
 8 occupationPrivate institution    0.874   0.152      -0.888 0.374  
 9 occupationFarmer                 0.904   0.129      -0.785 0.432  
10 occupationJobless                0.861   0.178      -0.843 0.399  
# ℹ 12 more rows
# 提取结果为exp后的HR值,而非线性项的值
fit0 %>% 
  tidy(exponentiate = TRUE, conf.int = T, conf.level = 0.95)
# A tibble: 22 × 7
   term                  estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
   <chr>                    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 PM1_MA_365               1.01    0.00390     2.83  0.00462    1.00       1.02
 2 age                      0.999   0.00219    -0.604 0.546      0.994      1.00
 3 ethnicityNon-han         0.943   0.201      -0.289 0.772      0.636      1.40
 4 marriageUnmarried        1.21    0.104       1.79  0.0730     0.983      1.48
 5 marriageWidowed          1.04    0.0965      0.399 0.690      0.860      1.26
 6 marriageDivorced         1.23    0.160       1.30  0.194      0.900      1.68
 7 marriageOther            0.888   0.158      -0.750 0.453      0.651      1.21
 8 occupationPrivate in…    0.874   0.152      -0.888 0.374      0.649      1.18
 9 occupationFarmer         0.904   0.129      -0.785 0.432      0.702      1.16
10 occupationJobless        0.861   0.178      -0.843 0.399      0.608      1.22
# ℹ 12 more rows
fit_cox = function(x, dat = drehosp, scale_num = 10){
  clean_fit = coxph(
    formula = as.formula(paste0("Surv(t2rehosp, rehosp_staus) ~ ", 
                    ' + age + ethnicity + marriage + occupation + 
                    ns(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5) + ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5)')), 
    data = dat) %>% 
    tidy() %>% 
    filter(grepl('PM|O3|CO|NO2|SO2', term)) %>% 
    mutate(OR = exp(estimate*scale_num), 3,
           OR_round = round(exp(estimate*scale_num), 3),
           CI_low = exp(estimate*scale_num - 1.96*std.error*scale_num),
           CI_high = exp(estimate*scale_num + 1.96*std.error*scale_num),
           CI_low_round = round(exp(estimate*scale_num - 1.96*std.error*scale_num), 3),
           CI_high_round = round(exp(estimate*scale_num + 1.96*std.error*scale_num), 3),
           predictor = x) %>% 
    mutate(result = paste0(format(OR_round, nsmall = 3), 
                           ' (', 
                           format(CI_low_round, nsmall = 3), 
                           format(CI_high_round, nsmall = 3),
                           ')')) %>% 
    select(predictor, term, result, OR, CI_low, CI_high, p.value) 

estimate_cox = map_dfr(
     c("PM1_MA_365", "PM2.5_MA_365", "PM10_MA_365"), 
     dat = cohort_cox,
     scale_num = 10)
[1] "PM1_MA_365"
[1] "PM2.5_MA_365"
[1] "PM10_MA_365"
# A tibble: 3 × 7
  predictor    term         result                 OR CI_low CI_high     p.value
  <chr>        <chr>        <chr>               <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>       <dbl>
1 PM1_MA_365   PM1_MA_365   1.117 (1.035-1.206)  1.12   1.03    1.21     4.62e-3
2 PM2.5_MA_365 PM2.5_MA_365 1.112 (1.062-1.165)  1.11   1.06    1.17     7.28e-6
3 PM10_MA_365  PM10_MA_365  1.098 (1.061-1.136)  1.10   1.06    1.14     6.20e-8


quantile(cohort_cox$PM2.5_MA_365, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
     25%      50%      75% 
38.12038 42.49512 48.53397 
quantile(cohort_cox$PM2.5_MA_365, c(0.01, 0.99))
      1%      99% 
21.55512 67.39910 
fit_cox_pm2.5 = coxph(
  Surv(t2rehosp, rehosp_staus) ~ ns(PM2.5_MA_365, knots = c(40.48, 60, 63)) + 
    age + ethnicity + marriage + occupation + ns(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5) + ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5),
  data = cohort_cox %>% 
    filter(PM2.5_MA_365 > 21.55 & PM2.5_MA_365 < 67)) 

sp_cox_pm2.5 = fit_cox_pm2.5 %>%
  termplot(se = T, plot = F) %>%
  .[['PM2.5_MA_365']] %>%
  as.data.table() %>% 
  .[,`:=`(HR = exp(y),
          HRmin = exp(y - 1.96*se),
          HRmax = exp(y + 1.96*se))] %>% 
  .[, `:=`(pollutant = 'PM2.5')] %>% 

             x          y        se        HR     HRmin     HRmax pollutant
   1: 21.57385 -0.3434542 0.1633379 0.7093160 0.5149958 0.9769578     PM2.5
   2: 21.57581 -0.3434234 0.1633122 0.7093378 0.5150376 0.9769386     PM2.5
   3: 21.60621 -0.3429450 0.1629124 0.7096772 0.5156881 0.9766404     PM2.5
   4: 21.73148 -0.3409740 0.1612655 0.7110774 0.5183760 0.9754136     PM2.5
   5: 21.77162 -0.3403425 0.1607381 0.7115266 0.5192400 0.9750213     PM2.5
8048: 66.53952  0.1896596 0.2733318 1.2088381 0.7074625 2.0655364     PM2.5
8049: 66.64180  0.1940871 0.2833337 1.2142020 0.6968069 2.1157749     PM2.5
8050: 66.73012  0.1979229 0.2920360 1.2188684 0.6876552 2.1604434     PM2.5
8051: 66.93246  0.2067362 0.3121532 1.2296581 0.6669207 2.2672248     PM2.5
8052: 66.95539  0.2077358 0.3144453 1.2308879 0.6645953 2.2797108     PM2.5
arr = list('PM1' = TeX("PM$_{1}$"),  
           "PM2.5" = TeX("PM$_{2.5}$"), 
           "PM10" = TeX("PM$_{10}$"))
mylabel = function(val) { return(lapply(val, function(x) arr[x])) }

color7 = c('#7570b3', '#d95f02', '#1b9e77')

p_cox_pm2.5 = sp_cox_pm2.5 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = HR)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linewidth = 0.8, alpha = 0.6, linetype = 'dashed') +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = HRmin, ymax = HRmax), alpha = 0.3, color = NA, fill = color7[1]) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1.5, color = color7[1]) +
  facet_wrap(~ pollutant, scales = 'free', labeller = mylabel) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0.05)) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = 'Hazard of death') +
  theme_test(base_size = 20, base_family = 'serif') + # , base_family = 'serif'
  theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0.5, 0, 0.2), 'cm'),
        plot.title = element_text(size = 20, face = 'bold'),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = ggplot2::alpha(color7[1], 0.3), color = NA),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 18, face = 'bold'))





quantile(cohort_cox$PM10_MA_365, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
     25%      50%      75% 
61.18076 69.45975 77.40257 
quantile(cohort_cox$PM10_MA_365, c(0.01, 0.99))
       1%       99% 
 39.12063 105.25648 
fit_cox_pm10 = coxph(
  Surv(t2rehosp, rehosp_staus) ~ ns(PM10_MA_365, knots = c(40.48, 80, 90)) + 
    age + ethnicity + marriage + occupation + ns(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5) + ns(RH_MA_07, df = 5),
  data = cohort_cox %>% 
    filter(PM10_MA_365 > 40 & PM10_MA_365 < 105)) 

sp_cox_pm10 = fit_cox_pm10 %>%
  termplot(se = T, plot = F) %>%
  .[['PM10_MA_365']] %>%
  as.data.table() %>% 
  .[,`:=`(HR = exp(y),
          HRmin = exp(y - 1.96*se),
          HRmax = exp(y + 1.96*se))] %>% 
  .[, `:=`(pollutant = 'PM10')] %>% 

p_cox_pm10 = sp_cox_pm10 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = HR)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 1, linewidth = 0.8, alpha = 0.6, linetype = 'dashed') +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = HRmin, ymax = HRmax), alpha = 0.3, color = NA, fill = color7[2]) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1.5, color = color7[2]) +
  facet_wrap(~ pollutant, scales = 'free', labeller = mylabel) +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0.05)) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = 'Hazard of death') +
  theme_test(base_size = 20, base_family = 'serif') + # , base_family = 'serif'
  theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0.5, 0, 0.2), 'cm'),
        plot.title = element_text(size = 20, face = 'bold'),
        strip.background = element_rect(fill = ggplot2::alpha(color7[2], 0.3), color = NA),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 18, face = 'bold'))






rcs_cox_pm2.5 <- cph(Surv(t2rehosp, rehosp_staus) ~ rcs(PM2.5_MA_365, c(40.48, 60, 63)) + age + ethnicity + marriage + occupation + rcs(Temperature_MA_07, df = 5), 
                     data = cohort_cox %>% 
    filter(PM2.5_MA_365 > 21.55 & PM2.5_MA_365 < 67))

                Wald Statistics          Response: Surv(t2rehosp, rehosp_staus) 

 Factor            Chi-Square d.f. P     
 PM2.5_MA_365      26.36       2   <.0001
  Nonlinear         3.44       1   0.0637
 age                0.62       1   0.4327
 ethnicity          0.00       1   0.9448
 marriage           5.03       4   0.2839
 occupation        12.64       5   0.0270
 Temperature_MA_07  4.29       4   0.3682
  Nonlinear         1.92       3   0.5894
 TOTAL NONLINEAR    5.21       4   0.2661
 TOTAL             44.41      17   0.0003
dd <- datadist(cohort_cox %>% 
    filter(PM2.5_MA_365 > 21.55 & PM2.5_MA_365 < 67))
options(datadist = 'dd')
HR <- Predict(rcs_cox_pm2.5, PM2.5_MA_365, fun = exp, ref.zero = TRUE) %>% 
p2 <- HR %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = PM2.5_MA_365, y = yhat)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1) +



  arrow, dplyr, ggplot2, data.table, broom.mixed, lme4, purrr, glue, stringr)

cohort_lme = arrow::read_parquet(

Rows: 22,138
Columns: 13
$ id              <int> 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, …
$ delta_t         <dbl> 0.00, 10.54, 0.00, 9.20, 0.00, 4.71, 9.06, 0.00, 7.54,…
$ PM2.5           <dbl> 10.4, 10.4, 10.4, 10.4, 10.9, 10.9, 10.9, 9.7, 9.7, 11…
$ body_fat_p      <dbl> 1.94000, 25.15878, 2.30000, 27.85871, 2.23000, 14.0947…
$ arm_left_fat_p  <dbl> 0.17300, 20.53660, 0.22500, 24.00601, 0.21500, 10.7182…
$ arm_right_fat_p <dbl> 1.70000, 21.46575, 1.99000, 24.08298, 1.97000, 11.3556…
$ leg_left_fat_p  <dbl> 17.3, 18.7, 17.1, 21.8, 17.5, 19.6, 22.4, 37.2, 40.6, …
$ leg_right_fat_p <dbl> 17.7, 20.3, 14.3, 20.8, 17.2, 20.7, 22.5, 37.4, 41.1, …
$ trunk_fat_p     <dbl> 20.8, 23.5, 27.5, 31.2, 25.4, 27.8, 28.8, 32.6, 37.2, …
$ age             <dbl> 59, 59, 44, 44, 49, 49, 49, 45, 45, 50, 50, 50, 50, 60…
$ sex             <chr> "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male"…
$ ethnicity       <chr> "White", "White", "White", "White", "White", "White", …
$ smoking_status  <fct> 0. Never, 0. Never, 0. Never, 0. Never, 1. Previous, 1…


\[y_{ij} = \beta_0 + \beta_{1}\text{PM}_{i}\times\text{year}_{ij} + \beta_{2}\text{year}_{ij} + \beta_3\text{age}_i + \beta_4\text{sex}_i + \beta_5\text{smoking}_i + \epsilon_{ij}\]

fit_lme = function(y){
  f0 = lmer(as.formula(glue('{y} ~ PM2.5:delta_t + delta_t + age + sex + smoking_status +
              (1|id)')), data = cohort_lme)
  f0 %>% 
    tidy(conf.int = TRUE) %>% 
    filter(grepl('PM2.5', term)) %>% 
    mutate(estimate = estimate,
           conf.low = conf.low,
           conf.high = conf.high) %>% 
    mutate(CI = paste0(str_pad(round(estimate, 3), width = 5, side = 'right', pad = '0'), 
                       ' (', 
                       str_pad(round(conf.low, 3), width = 5, side = 'right', pad = '0'), 
                       ', ', 
                       str_pad(round(conf.high, 3), width = 5, side = 'right', pad = '0'), 
                       ')')) %>%
    mutate(y = y,
           N = nobs(f0)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(y, term, estimate, conf.low, conf.high, CI, std.error)

res = map_dfr(
  c("body_fat_p", "arm_left_fat_p", "arm_right_fat_p", 
    "leg_left_fat_p", "leg_right_fat_p", "trunk_fat_p"),

# A tibble: 6 × 7
  y               term          estimate conf.low conf.high CI         std.error
  <chr>           <chr>            <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>          <dbl>
1 body_fat_p      PM2.5:delta_t  0.0283   0.0186     0.0381 0.028 (0.…   0.00498
2 arm_left_fat_p  PM2.5:delta_t  0.0577   0.0437     0.0717 0.058 (0.…   0.00713
3 arm_right_fat_p PM2.5:delta_t  0.0770   0.0633     0.0907 0.077 (0.…   0.00699
4 leg_left_fat_p  PM2.5:delta_t  0.00748  0.00134    0.0136 0.007 (0.…   0.00313
5 leg_right_fat_p PM2.5:delta_t  0.00783  0.00129    0.0144 0.008 (0.…   0.00333
6 trunk_fat_p     PM2.5:delta_t  0.00659 -0.00237    0.0155 0.007 (-0…   0.00457